home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
1 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0 10 if peek(828)<>160 then load"fader.cas.o",8,1 20 gosub700 100 gosub 500 : rem * initialize 110 on rm gosub 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,11000,12000 120 goto 110 150 goto 110 480 rem *** initialize the game *** 490 : 500 tr=-1 : fa=0 : print"[147][153]";:ch=-1:ni=0:kh=-1:bh=-1:rh=-1:wh=-1:sh=-1:ma=-1 510 poke53280,11 : poke53281,11 : rm=0 :t=rnd(-ti):dim ud(20):mh=-1:sa=-1:sw=10 520 print" [217]ou are standing at the door of the" 530 print"house that has been reputed to be" 540 print"haunted. [193]lthough you don't believe" 550 print"any of the stories you have heard," 560 print"something bothers you about this place." 570 print"[194]rushing aside your silly intuitions," 580 print"you decide to enter." 590 print:print"[212]he only entrance is to your north." 600 gosub 20000 610 if dr=0 then 600 620 if dr=1 then rm=1 : return 630 print:print"[193]fter thinking it over, you decide that" 640 print"leaving your mission is not an option." : goto590 698 rem *** title page *** 699 : 700 print"[147]"chr$(142) 710 print" the " 720 print" [209] [209] [209][209][209][209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209] " 730 print" [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209][209] [209] [209][209] [209] [209] [209] " 740 print" [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209] [209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209] [209][209][209] [209] [209] " 750 print" [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209][209] [209][209] [209] [209] [209] " 760 print" [209] [209] [209] [209] [209][209] [209] [209] [209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209] " 770 print" [209] [209] [209][209] [209] [209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209] " 780 print" [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] " 790 print" [209][209][209][209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209] " 800 print" [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] " 810 print" [209] [209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209] " 820 print"by joe garrett 830 [153]" loadstar is not public domain." 840 [153]" please respect the author's bytes." 850 [153]" >>> press a key <<<" 890 [158]828:[161]t$ 900 [142] 980 [143] *** the entry *** 990 : 1000 [153]:[153]"(NULL)ou are now in the entry hall of the " 1010 [153]"house. (NULL)he dust irritates your nose " 1020 [153]"and cobwebs hang from the ceiling. atn stairway is to your north." 1030 [153]"str$oors are on all other sides." 1035 [139] fo [167] [153]"(NULL)he front door is wide open." 1040 [141] 20000 1042 [139] gt [167] dth[178]2:[137]30000 1045 [139] lk [167] 1000 1046 [139] us [167] [141]26000:[153]"(NULL)othing happened.":[137]1040 1047 [139] dr[178]0 [167] 1040 1050 [139] dr[178]2 [167] rm[178]5:[142] 1060 [139] dr[178]4 [167] rm[178]3:[142] 1070 [139] dr[178]1 [167] [153]"chr$oing up the stairs";:[141]28700 : rm[178]12:[142] 1075 [139] dr[178]3[175]fo [167] [137]55000 1080 [139]dr[178]3[167][153]"right$t's locked. (NULL)ou should never have entered.":[137]1040 1980 [143] *** lower closet *** 1990 : 2000 [153]"(NULL)ower closet." 2010 [153]"(NULL)hese clothes are only seen in movies!" 2020 [153]"chr$lowing letters on the wall read:" 2030 [153]" def(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)closeatn(NULL)valcloselen(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)valstr$close(NULL)right$(NULL)left$close(NULL)left$valclosepeek(NULL)atnlen(NULL)close(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)" 2040 [153]" len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val.close(NULL)left$val(NULL)valcloseright$(NULL)close(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL).print" 2050 [153]"(NULL)here is a safe here." 2055 [139] so [167] [153]"right$t is open." 2060 [153]"(NULL)he only exit is north." 2100 [141] 20000 2105 [139] dr[178]2[176]dr[178]3[176]dr[178]4[167][141]27000:[137]2100 2107 [139] dr[178]1 [167] rm[178]3:[142] 2110 [139] lk [167] 2000 2120 [139] ci [167] 2100 2130 [139] gt [167] [153]"(NULL)ou can't get the safe.":[137]2100 2140 [139] us [167] [141] 26000 2150 [139] us$[178]"knife" [167]bk[178][171]1 2160 [139] bk [167]ri$[178]"knife":[141]28000:ai$[178]"bent knife":[141]28500 2170 [139] bk [167] [153]"(NULL)he safe bent the knife!":bk[178]0: [137]2100 2180 [139] us [175] us$[178]"combination"[167][141]50000:[142] 2700 [153]"(NULL)o effect.":[137]2100 3000 [153]"(NULL)he lower bedroom." 3010 [153]"peekefore you is a desk and a twin bed." 3020 [153]"valxits are north, east, and south. 3030 gosub 20000 3040 if lk then 3000 3050 if ci then 3030 3060 if dr=4then gosub27000:goto3030 3070 if dr=1 then rm=6:return 3080 if dr=2 then rm=1:return 3090 if dr=3 then rm=2:return 3100 if gt then print"[212]he furniture would only weigh you down.":goto3030 3110 if us then gosub26000 3120 print"[206]o effect.":goto3030 3980 rem *** the cupboard *** 3990 : 4000 print"[212]he kitchen pantry." 4010 print"[201]t's dark, dusty and full of broken " 4020 print"shelves. [212]he only exit is north." 4030 if bh thenprint"[217]ou barely notice a broom behind one of the shelves." 4040 gosub 20000:ifcithen4040 4042 if us then gosub 26000:ifus$="" then 4040 4043 if us and not mc then print"[212]he "us$" had no effect.":goto4040 4044 if us and mc then print"[193] secret!!!":ai$="treasure":gosub28500:goto55000 4045 if lk then 4000 4050 q= gt and bh 4055 if q then bh=0:ai$="broom":gosub28500:print"[194]room taken.":goto4040 4060 if dr=1 then rm=5:return 4070 if dr<>1 then gosub27000:goto4040 4980 rem *** kitchen *** 4990 : 5000 print"[212]he [203]itchen." 5010 print"[211]mall creatures scatter as you inspect" 5020 print"the cluttered kitchen. " 5030 if kh then print"[212]here is a knife on the table." 5035 if kd thenprint"[211]ome maniac has damaged the kitchen witha knife." 5037 if mz thenprint"[212]he dust from your sweeping makes you sneeze." 5038 print"[212]here are exits to your north, west and south." 5040 gosub 20000 5050 if lk then 5000 5055 if gt and kh then 5110 5057 if gt and not kh then 5120 5058 if us then gosub26000:goto5130 5060 if dr=0 then 5040 5070 if dr=4 then rm=1:return 5080 if dr=1 then rm=7:return 5090 if dr=3 then rm=4:return 5100 if dr=2 then gosub27000:goto5040 5110 print"[203]nife taken.":ni=ni+1:iv$(ni)="knife":kh=0: goto5040 5120 print"[212]he little creatures are worthless. [204]eave them alone.":goto5040 5129 : rem *** use kitchen stuff 5130 if kcthenprint"[212]he knife does significant damage to thekitchen.":kd=-1 5140 if bcthenprint"[212]he dust flies and makes you sneeze more.":mz=-1 5150 if dc thenprint"[212]he little creatures snatch the bat and" 5160 if dc thenprint"drag it into a hole in the wall." 5170 if dc thenri$="bat":gosub28000 5180 print"[217]ou're wasteing time.":goto5040 5980 rem *** the bathroom *** 5990 : 6000 print"[212]he lower bathroom." 6010 print"[217]ou see ordinary bathroom facilities." 6020 if wh then print"[212]here is a witch in here that is not" 6030 if wh then print"pleased with your presence." 6040 if gl then print"[212]here is a piece of gold here." 6045 print"[211]outh is the only exit." 6050 gosub 20000 6060 if lk then 6000 6070 if ci then 6050 6072 if gl and gt then ai$="gold":gosub28500:print"[199]old taken.":gl=0:goto6050 6074 if wh and gt then print"[196]on't even try to get the witch!":goto6050 6080 if dr=2ordr=1ordr=4 thengosub27000:goto6050 6090 q = (dr=3) and wh 6092 z = (dr=3) and not(wh) 6100 if q then dth=3:goto30000 6102 if z then rm=3:return 6110 if us then wu=wu+1:gosub 26000 6115 if wu=3 and wh then 6100 6120 if not wh then print"[206]othing happened.":goto6050 6125 if wh and mc then print"[211]he knows what she looks like!":goto6050 6130 if not(wh and us$="broom")thenprint"[212]he witch is agitated further.":goto6050 6140 print"[193] big smile appears on the witches face." 6150 print"[145][211]he accepts the broom and flys away":wh=0:ri$="broom":gosub28000 6155 print"leaving a piece of gold behind.":gl=-1 6160 goto6050 6980 rem *** the dining room *** 6990 : 7000 print"[212]he dining room." 7010 print"[217]ou see a table and 3 wobbly chairs." 7020 if chandnotcd then print"[212]here is a black cat under the table." 7025 if fh then print"[212]here's a dead cat with a rabbit's foot." 7030 print"[212]he only exit is south." 7080 gosub 20000 7082 if lk then 7000 7084 if ci then 7080 7090 if gt and not fh and ch then print"[212]he cat evades your grasp.":goto7080 7094 q= gt and fh :if q then fh=0:print"[210]abbit's foot taken.":ch=0:rf=-1 7095 if q thenprint"[212]he cat vanishes!":ni=ni+1:iv$(ni)="rabbits foot":goto7080 7100 if gt and not ch then print"[212]he furniture would be of no value.":goto7080 7110 ifdr=1 or dr=2 or dr=4 then gosub27000:goto7080 7112 if us then gosub 26000 7113 if us and not ii then 7080 7114 if dr=3 and not cd then dth=1:goto30000 7116 if (dr=3 and not ch and not fh)or(dr=3 and cd) then rm=5:return 7120 if ii and us$<>"bat"then7300 7130 print"[212]he cat gladly begins to devour the bat":ri$="bat" 7140 print"only to choke on a wing bone, and keel":gosub 28000 7150 print"over gasping for breath. [201]t died." 7160 print"[212]here is of all things, a rabbit's foot" 7170 print"around the cats neck.":cd=-1:fh=-1 7180 goto 7080 7190 if not gt then print"[212]he cat vanishes with a final shreak.":ch=0:goto7080 7300 if ch thenprint"[215]hat would a cat want with a " us$ "?":goto7080 7310 print"[206]othing happened.":goto7080 7980 rem *** lower bedroom *** 7990 : 8000 print"[213]pper bedroom #1." 8010 if rh and not db then print"[212]here is a bat flitting about the room," 8020 if rh and not db then print"but he seems harmless." 8022 print"[212]here's nothing outstanding here." 8030 if rh and db then print"([197]xcept for a dead bat on the floor.)" 8040 print "[212]here are exits to the east and south." 8050 gosub 20000 8060 if lk then 8000 8070 if ci then 8050 8090 if dr=4 or dr=1 then gosub 27000 :goto8050 8100 if dr=3 then rm=10:return 8110 if dr=2 then rm=12:return 8120 q=gt and rh and not db 8122 x=gt and db and rh 8124 z=gt and not rh 8130 if q then print"[212]he bat is much too quick.":goto8050 8132 if x then print"[196]ead bat taken.":ai$="bat":gosub 28500:rh=0:goto8050 8134 if z then print"[212]he bed is much too heavy.":goto8050 8137 if us then gosub 26000:if not ii then 8050 8140 if us$<>"knife" thenprint"[206]o good.":goto8050 8150 print"[212]o your own amazement, a lucky hit ":db=-1 8160 print"knocks the bat to the floor. [212]alk about [194]eginner's luck!":goto8050 9000 print"[212]he upper bathroom." 9010 print"[217]ou see a tub, sink, and toilet." 9020 if sh then print"[193] ghost is hovering above the sink, and he's no [195]asper." 9025 ifth then print"[193] small chest full of ancient gold coinsis behind the toilet." 9030 print"[197]xits are south and west." 9045 if gg>4 then dth=5:goto30000 9050 gg=gg+1:gosub 20000 9060 if lk then 9000 9070 if ci then gg=gg-1:goto 9050 9080 ifdr=1ordr=2then gg=gg+1:gosub27000:goto9045 9085 ifdr=3 then rm=11:return 9087 ifdr=4 then rm=12:return 9090 if us then gosub 26000:ifus$="" then print"[208]oopoo.":goto9045 9092 z=gt and th 9095 ifzthen print"[212]reasure taken.":ai$="treasure":gosub28500:th=0:goto9050 9096 if us and mc then print"[212]he ghost smashes your mirror.":ri$="mirror" 9097 if us and mc then gosub 28000:goto9050 9100 if us$<>"gold" then print"[212]he ghost is getting closer.":goto9045 9110 print"[212]he ghost speaks:" 9120 print"[159][212]hat's nothing: look behind the toilet.[153]" :th=-1 9130 goto9025 9980 rem *** upper closet 9990 : 10000 print"[212]he upper closet." 10005 if not sa then 10105 10010 print"[212]here is a living skeleton heading in your direction." 10015 if not rf then 10100 10020 print"[200]e appears to be friendly, and hands" 10030 print"you a piece of paper. [201]t has " 10040 print"several numbers on it. [201]t's a " 10050 print"combination!" 10060 ai$="combination":gosub28500:ri$="rabbits foot":gosub28000 10070 ai$="([212]he skeleton stole your rabbits foot)":rf=0: gosub28500 10080 print"[195]ombination taken. [217]ou have an urge to press a key on a computer." 10081 get t$:if t$="" then 10081 10082 poke53280,1:poke53281,1:fort=1 to 30:nextt:poke53280,11:poke53281,11 10085 print"[147][201]n a flash of light, the skeleton" 10087 print"disappears. [215]hen your eyes readjust to":sa=0 10090 print"the dark, you find you're in the upper" 10092 print"bathroom! ":rm=9:sys828: return 10100 print"[200]is eyes glow with blinding fire." 10105 print"[212]here are no articles in here." 10110 print"[197]xits are north and east." 10120 gosub20000 10130 if lk then 10000 10140 if ci then 10120 10150 if us then gosub26000:goto10159 10152 if dr=2and not sa then:rm=11:return 10153 if dr=1and not sa then:rm=8:return 10155 if sa then 10170 10159 z=sa and us and mc 10160 if z then print"[212]he mirror reflected what would have" 10162 if z then print"been deadly rays for you, back onto the" 10164 if z then print"skeleton. [200]e disintegrates.":sa=0:goto10120 10170 if sa then dth=4:goto30000 10180 print"[211]ay what?":goto10120 10980 rem *** upper bedroom 2 10990 : 11000 print"[213]pstairs bedroom #2" 11003 print"[212]here is a large four-poster bed here." 11004 if mh then print"[212]here's a small mirror here." 11005 print"[197]xits are to the north and west." 11010 if mathenprint"[212]here is a very old man here." 11015 if ma thenprint"[200]e speaks:" 11020 if ma then gosub 33000 11025 if not ma then print"[212]here is a dead man here." 11030 gosub 20000 11040 if lk then 11000 11050 if ci then 11030 11055 z=gt and mh 11060 if z then print"[205]irror taken.":mh=0:ai$="mirror":gosub28500:goto11030 11062 z=ma and gt 11063 z=gt and mh 11064 if z then print"[212]he old man is reluctant to come with you.":goto11030 11065 if z then print"[205]irror taken.":mh=0:ai$="mirror":gosub28500:goto11030 11070 if gt then print"[212]he bed is much too heavy.":goto11030 11090 if dr=3 thengosub27000:goto11030 11100 if dr=1 then rm=12:return 11105 if dr=2 then rm=9:return 11110 if dr=4 then rm=10:return 11120 if us then gosub26000:if not ma then print"[206]othing happened.":goto11030 11130 if us$="" then print"[212]hat's ridiculous.":goto11030 11140 ifgcthenprint"[212]he man pockets the gold.":ri$="gold":gosub28000:goto11015 11150 ifdcthenprint"[212]he man eats the bat.":ri$="bat":gosub28000:goto11015 11160 if bcthenprint"[207]ne swoop of the broom knocks out what" 11170 ifbcthenprint"little life remained in the man." 11180 ifbcthenprint"[212]hat's too bad.":ma=0:goto11030 11190 ifrc then print"[212]he man accepts the rabbits foot.":ri$="rabbits foot" 11200 if rc then gosub 28000:goto11015 11210 if cc then print"[212]he man snatches the combination.":ri$="combination" 11220 if cc then gosub 28000:goto11015 11230 if kc then print"[207]ne jab and the man is dead. [212]hat's too bad." 11240 if kc then ma=0:goto11030 11250 print"[206]othing.":goto11030 11980 rem *** upstairs hall *** 11990 : 12000 print"[213]pstairs hall." 12010 print"[212]here are stairs to the north and doors" 12020 print"on the other walls." 12030 gosub20000:if c$="" then print"[200]uh?":goto12030 12040 if lk then 12000 12050 if ci then 12030 12060 if dr=1 then print"[199]oing down the stairs";:gosub28700 :rm=1:return 12070 if dr=2 then rm=9 :return 12080 if dr=3 then rm=11:return 12090 if dr=4 then rm=8 :return 12100 if gt then print"[206]othing here.":goto12030 12110 if us then gosub26000 12120 print"[213]sing the "us$" didn't" 12130 print"accomplish a thing.":goto12030 19970 stop 19980 rem *** get command *** 19990 : 20000 poke198,0:sx=sx+1 20005 lk=0: dr=0: us=0:gt=0:c$="":input"[206]ow what";c$ : ci=0 20010 if c$="n" or c$="north"then dr=1:return 20015 if c$="" then print"[200]uh?":dr=0:return 20020 if c$="e" or c$="east"then dr=2:return 20030 if c$="s" or c$="south"then dr=3:return 20040 if c$="w" or c$="west"then dr=4:return 20050 if c$="use" or c$="u" then us=-1 : return 20055 if c$="get" or c$="g" then gt=-1 : return 20060 rem if c$="throw" then gosub 22000: return 20070 rem if c$="wait" then gosub 23000 : return 20080 rem if c$="eat" then gosub 24000 : return 20085 if c$="look" or c$="l"then lk=-1 : return 20090 if c$="i"or c$="inventory"then gosub 25000 : return 20100 if c$="quit" then poke53280,14:poke53281,6 20110 if c$="quit" then print"[147][154] **** [212][200][201][211] [195][207][205][208][213][212][197][210][160][201][211][160][200][193][213][206][212][197][196] ****":goto63000 20120 print"[212]hat is too complicated to try." 20130 print"[215]ould you like some suggestions?(y/n)" 20140 get t$:ift$="" then 20140 20150 if t$<>"y" then 20000 20160 print"u[153]se l[153]ook g[153]et quit[153]" 20170 print"i[153]nventory " 20180 print"[196]irections: n[153], s[153], e[153], w[153]. 20190 [137]20000 24980 [143] *** inventory *** 24990 : 25000 [153]"right$nventory:" :ci[178][171]1 25010 [139]ni[178]0 [167] [153]"(NULL)ot a doggone thing ":[142] 25020 [129]t[178]1 [164] ni 25030 [153] iv$(t) 25040 [130] 25900 [142] 25980 [143] *** ;et wh t to use routine 25990 : 26000 [141]25000:[139] ni[178]0 [167] [142] 26005 [133]"(NULL)hat do you want to use";us$ 26007 kc[178]0:bc[178]0:rc[178]0:dc[178]0:gc[178]0:tc[178]0:cc[178]0:mc[178]0 26010 ii[178]0:[129] t[178]1 [164] ni 26020 [139] us$[178]iv$(t) [167] ii[178][171]1 26030 [130] 26040 [139] ii [167] 26065 26050 [153]"(NULL)ou don't have a "us$:us$[178]"":[142] 26065 [139] us$[178]"knife"[167] kc[178][171]1:[142] 26070 [139] us$[178]"broom"[167] bc[178][171]1:[142] 26080 [139] us$[178]"rabbits foot"[167] rc[178][171]1:[142] 26090 [139] us$[178]"bat"[167] dc[178][171]1:[142] 26100 [139] us$[178]"gold"[167] gc[178][171]1:[142] 26110 [139] us$[178]"treasure"[167] tc[178][171]1:[142] 26115 [139] us$[178]"mirror"[167] mc[178][171]1:[142] 26120 [139] us$[178]"combination"[167] cc[178][171]1:[142] 26125 [142] 26130 [153]"loadvalrror-" us$:[144] 26980 [143] *** bad direction *** 26990 : 27000 d[178][181]([187](1)[172]4)[170]1 27010 [145] d [137] 27020,27030,27040,27050 27020 [153]"lenan't go that direction.":[142] 27030 [153]"right$mpossible move.":[142] 27040 [153]"(NULL)o way mid$ose'.":[142] 27050 [153]"(NULL)ry again, (NULL)herlock.":[142] 27980 [143] *** remove something from inv 27990 : 28000 [129] t[178]1 [164] ni 28010 [139] iv$(t)[178]ri$ [167] 28030 28020 [130] t 28030 iv$(t)[178]iv$(ni):ni[178]ni[171]1:[142] 28480 [143] *** add something to inv 28490 : 28500 ni[178]ni[170]1:iv$(ni)[178]ai$:[142] 28700 [129]t[178]1 [164] 3 28710 [153]"."; 28720 [129] q[178]1 [164] 250: [130] q 28730 [130] t 28740 [153] : [142] 29980 [143] *** process a death *** 29990 : 30000 [145] dth [137] 30030,30100,30170,30220,30250 30010 [153]"loadinvalid death!!!",dth:[144] 30020 [143] *** killed by a cat 30030 [153]"atns soon as you turn your back on the " 30040 [153]"hungry black cat, it leaps onto your" 30050 [153]"back and chews a fair sized hole in the" 30060 [153]"side of your neck." 30070 [153]"(NULL)ou are dead.":[137]31000 30090 [143] *** grabbed cobwebs 30100 [153]"right$nstead of you getting the cobwebs, " 30110 [153]"they got you! (NULL)ound and round they go" 30120 [153]"getting tighter and tighter, encasing" 30130 [153]"you in a cocoon which soon suffocates" 30140 [153]"you." 30150 [153]"(NULL)ou died.":[137]31000 30160 [143] *** killed by witch 30170 [153]"atns you leave the room, you hear the " 30180 [153]"witch conjuring a spell. (NULL)ou watch in" 30190 [153]"horror as you change into a black cat." 30200 [153]"(NULL)ou lost.":[137] 31000 30210 [143] *** killed by skeleton 30220 [153]"(NULL)oo late!" 30222 [153]"(NULL)he fire from his eyes blazes and burns" 30230 [153]"two large holes through your chest.":[137]30150 30240 [143] *** killed by ghost 30250 [153]"(NULL)he ghost manifests his true identity" 30260 [153]"as an indescribly horrible beast. (NULL)our" 30270 [153]"heart pounds wildly in your chest, then" 30280 [153]"stops completely.":[137]30150 30980 [143] *** finish dieing 31000 [153]"(NULL)ry again- make my day." 31010 [153]"(NULL)ress the 'y' key to play again." 31020 [153]"(NULL)ress the 'n' key to be a loser. 31030 get t$:ift$="" then 31030 31040 if t$="y" then run 31050 if t$="n" then goto63000 31060 goto 31030 32280 print"stops completely.":goto30150 32980 rem *** the man speaks 32990 : 33000 q=int(rnd(1)*20)+1 33005 if so then print"[155] [217]ou'd better leave [154]now[153].":return 33010 if ud(q) then 33000 33015 nu=nu+1 : ud(q)=-1 33020 if nu=15 then fort=1to20:ud(t)=0:next:nu=0:goto33000 33030 on q goto33040,33050,33060,33070,33080,33090,33100,33110,33120,33130 33032 on q-10 goto 33140,33150,33160,33170,33180,33190,33200,33210,33220,33230 33040 print"[155] [200]ow's the weather?[153]":return 33050 print"[155] [201]'m a little depressed.[153]":return 33060 print"[155] 23-skidoo![153]":return 33070 print"[155] [201] was happy here before...[153]":return 33080 print"[155] [207]nce upon a time...[153]":return 33090 print"[155] [201] like [194]aby-[210]uths.[153]":return 33100 print"[155] [208]lease leave me alone.[153]":return 33110 print"[155] [201]'m very tired now...[153]":return 33120 print"[155] [199]et lucky to win![153]":return 33130 print"[155] [215]here are my glasses?[153]":return 33140 print"[155] [200]ave you seen that skeleton?[153]":return 33150 print"[155] [201] need a broom.[153]":return 33160 print"[155] [215]ant to play cards?[153]":return 33170 print"[155] [201]'m pretty spry for my age.[153]":return 33180 print"[155] [201] hate it when that happens.[153]":return 33190 print"[155] [217]ou must get lucky.[153]":return 33200 print"[155] [201] don't want to kill you.[153]":return 33210 print"[155] [201] saw a dog fall down.[153]":return 33220 print"[155] [199]loom, despair, and agony.[153]":return 33230 print"[155] [194]ad luck is your enemy.[153]":return 50000 print"[213]sing the combination, you open the safe." 50010 print"[212]he door flys open and a blast of hot air blows your hair back." 50020 print"[217]ou hear a loud noise in the front of" 50030 print"the house, then the entire house begins to shake." 50040 print"[211]trange screams of spirits in agony are heard throughout the house." 50050 print"[215]hen you come to your senses, you find" 50055 print"yourself in an upper bedroom!.":rm=11 50070 fo=-1:so=-1:return 54980 rem *** leave the house 54990 : 55000 print"[193] large crowd of mysterious people has" 55010 print"gathered outside. [212]hey press close around you." 55020 print"[196]o you have the gold?" 55030 gosub 20000 55040 if lk then 55000 55050 if ci then 55030 55060 if gt then print"[212]he crowd is going to get you!":goto55030 55070 if us then gosub 26000 55080 if gc then print"[212]he mob is furious! [207]nly one piece of gold?" 55090 if gc then 55030 55100 if tc then 55555 55110 print"[212]he crowd is not phased by the" 55120 print us$:goto55030 55555 print"[215]ell, [201] didn't think you could do it," 55560 print"but congratulations. [217]ou've survived" 55570 print"the haunted house and recovered the" 55580 print"lost treasure." 55590 if sx <> 10 then print"[201]t took you" sx "moves. [212]he game can" 55600 if sx <> 10 then print"be won in 10 moves.":goto 31000 55610 if sx=10 then print"[150][196]on't think [201] didn't see you cheat![153]":goto31000 63000 print"wait...":fort=828to1000:poket,0:next:load"hello connect",8